April 15, 2021
Hours on hours on the Road, long summer days, short nights and sunsets lasting for hours. Seeing things from a filmers perspective I quickly realised shooting sunsets up here is the dream as they literally last forever.
I've always been drawn to countries featuring mountains, valleys and lakes. With 2020 closing down on events, it also made for a longer time window to roadtrip around and check out unknown places. Since I've always wanted to wander around Norway and as of Scandinavia being accessible via car it felt like the perfect option with this years circumstances.
A few last perfections to my Volkswagen T3 and off we go. With almost everything on the van restored from the ground up, it's been the first trip of this scale for my 87' van (longer than I've been around for). Therefore I've also been in a sceptical mood for the first bit, especially with the hours spent on the german highway up to the ferry in Denmark. Everyone dealing with old vehicles knows these situations: starting to hear all kinds of weird sounds in songs playing, checking the back mirror twice as often as usual and literally always having an eye on oil and temperature. I was stoked when we rolled onto the ferry to Norway - the trusty T3 made it up no biggie. I really enjoyed cruising from then on as Scandinavian speed limits mostly only allowed for our max cruising limit anyways.

After dropping off the Ferry in Kristiansand and wandering around Oslo for a bit we quickly drove further north towards some bike areas.

I've always wanted to jump the van - Hillbilly delivered. The trip was rather freestyle with only a bunch of defined spots on my list. The Hillbilly course in Al was definitely on there though. Rolled up to the course in the evening and woke up to pouring rain the next morning - well, off to check out some fjords in the meanwhile. With tons of water furrows on course it luckily dried up a bunch of days later. I at least got in half a day lapping this rad course - well literally lapping as I was on my Remedy and could pedal back up to the start drop. The well exhausting uphill climbs in between laps at least left me enjoying the 5°C creek shower afterwards.
Couple photos of the rain days:


Still on the way up north, we also got to check out Norways most famous bikepark in Hafjell and spent some time in the Nesbyen bike area - amazing trails. I also found some fun skateparks to play around in between and appearantly they all had amazing scenery.
Photo during a sunset at Lillehammer Skatepark

Photos from a late afternoon ridge stroll through Besseggen.



Since Sweden first welcomed us with a few rain days in Åre and its surroundings, our path lead down to Järvso Bikepark and to Emil's place in Falun straight away. About 5000KM since leaving home and with only a weekend left until heading back towards Innsbruck again, we got to spend an amazing couple days at 'DirtKing'. Which is a swedish DirtJump invitational hosted by William Stromberg and his family. There would have been no better way to end this trip - with not only all kinds of activities like dirtjumping, pitbiking, surfing and wakeboarding involved but also the most rad bunch of individuals in the swedish MTB scene.

starring - Peter Kaiserprincipal action filming - Elena Zeppelzauer
additional filming - Peter Kaiser
photography - Peter Kaiser / Elena Zeppelzauer
Special Thanks to Elena Zeppelzauer, everyone involved and everyone we got to meet along the way as well as to
Trek, Mons Royale, Industry Nine, Trickstuff, Chromag, SB1, Chaoyang for the continuous support.